Snøhetta Australasia on a process more engaged with First Nations knowledge

Snøhetta Australasia on a process more engaged with First Nations knowledge

Working with First Nations People and process is a key part of how we approach our projects and processes at Snøhetta. The common goal is the same across the globe: to learn from, acknowledge and respect, our different regions engage in varied practices to carry out this important work.

At Snøhetta Australia, we acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceded. As part of our efforts toward a reconciled Australia, best practice is to undertake and implement a Reconciliation Action Plan.

A Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is a strategic framework designed to guide organisations in building respectful relationships and fostering opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Implementing a RAP shows the first step of a commitment to social justice, cultural awareness, and inclusion.

Through the RAP process we ultimately seek to:

  • Acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Culture: listen and gain knowledge on the history, culture, and contributions of First Nations peoples.
  • Build Respectful Relationships: Engage with First Nations communities, leaders, and organisations in a meaningful way.
  • Promote Cultural Awareness and Education: Implement ongoing training and resources for staff about First Nations history and cultural practices.
  • Promote Positive Change: Take actionable steps to contribute to reconciliation, including advocacy, community involvement, and supporting First Nations-led initiatives.

Our first Snøhetta Australasia RAP, which is currently in the ‘reflect’ stage shows Snøhetta's commitment to not only reconciliation but also contributing to tangible, positive change in the industry. Our RAP, discusses how we worked with First Nations organisation Djinjama on our Harbourside Project, and how we have so far, engaged our team members with cultural learning. 

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Snøhetta acknowledge the Kaurna people of Kaurna Country and Wurundjeri people of Naarm where our Australian studios are located. 

We pay our respects for the continued connection to all First Nations peoples and their land, sky and waters of elders, past, present, and emerging.