Norway's National Parks


Graphic & Digital


Norway’s national parks represent some of the most beautiful areas of the country, and are among the most popular destinations for outdoor activities in a nation of outdoor enthusiasts. The parks safeguard vulnerable and threatened ecosystems while also promoting and facilitating experiences in nature, as well as support local value creation.

Launched in 2015, the brand identity has unified 47 national parks, visitor centers, and national villages and municipalities. With a common strategy and visual language, both brand and visitor management has been simplified.

Technical details

Visual Identity, Signage & Wayfinding, Digital & Creative Tech


(The Norwegian Environment Agency)


Brand Strategy

Visual Identity

Wayfinding & Signage

Web Design & Development

Art Direction



A goal for the unifying visual identity was to facilitate increased knowledge of our precious surroundings, and lower the barriers for visiting. At the same time, increased visits in conservation areas are a dilemma. We therefore focused on creating visual tools for active visitor management, helping to protect vulnerable areas, and guide people through areas that can withstand increased visits.

Allowing for individuality through the landscape dependent curves.

The portal logo, representing the interaction between culture and nature, as well as the balance between conservation and outdoor activities.

A common web platform, easy to implement and maintain for individual stakeholders.

A clear common identity has been established for all stakeholders, supporting even better protection and increased visits.

Digital brand manual