Sketch proposal for a new national memorial for 22 July presented in Oslo

Snøhetta's artist Jorunn Sannes and architect Kjetil Trædal Thorsen are honored to be among ten teams invited to design sketch proposals for a new national memorial in Oslo, commemorating the terror attacks of 22 July 2011.

The proposal is a place to remember the tragedy but also of hope, unity, and strength. It can be associated with the struggle between good and evil, opposites that challenge us.

The memorial consists of two identical spherical forms. One is turned upside down and forms an inclined and protective vault over the entrance to the 22 July center. The other is an open bowl to the sky and a communal and embracive outdoor space for visitors, where 77 of the seats are sculpted and highlighted. The two forms are alike, yet become unlike, and are linked together through an internal and eternal movement.

The memorial will be established in connection with the new government quarter in central Oslo. KORO, Norway's national body responsible for curating, producing, and activating art in public space, has been commissioned to lead the first phase of the work.

After an open pre-qualification with 220 applicants, ten groups of artists and architects were invited to design sketch proposals for the memorial site. All teams presented their proposals at an open seminar at the National Museum in Oslo on Thursday 6 June.

The jury will assess the proposals during the summer, and in September, three teams will be invited to further develop and detail their projects before a winning proposal is announced in March 2025.
