Humans + Technology


Interior Architecture, Product Design, Graphic & Digital


Conceived as a permanent part of the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology in Oslo, the I/O exhibition is meticulously crafted to captivate visitors and unveil the museum's distinctive assortment of telegraphic and computer technology artifacts. Guided by an immersive exploration of programmed narratives and supported by artificial intelligence, visitors transform into active users as the exhibition dynamically tailors itself to each individual experience. This interactive approach encourages a thoughtful discourse on the intricate relationship between humans and technology.

Technical details

Exhibition, Installation & Commissions, Digital & Creative Tech, Visual Identity
Exhibition Title

I/O – The new exhibition at the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology


Bjørnar Øvrebø / Oioioi

The exhibition represents important features of Norwegian telecommunications and computer history. At the same time, the exhibition connects with the present and discusses the future. An AI software has been especially developed and creates individually tailored stories based on (voluntarily) collected data from the visitors where they through a registration game get a curated path from object to object.

Throughout the entire process, the design team at Snøhetta collaborated closely with representatives from the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Engaging in a comprehensive partnership with the museum, Snøhetta played a multi-disciplinary role in the project, shaping a unified concept that spans all aspects of the exhibition experience, encompassing spatial design, user experience, and visual identity.
