Idea Work
Unlocking Everyday Creativity
In Snøhetta, we believe that creativity is a collaborative process involving all project participants, extending beyond architects and designers. Extraordinary creative and collaborative work in practice was the focus of an academic research project conducted by SINTEF in 2012, leading to the creation of "Idea Work - Lessons of Extraordinary Creativity” (by authors: Arne Carlsen, Stewart Clegg, and Reidar Gjersvik).
Technical details
Photo: Erik Five Gunnerud
Crafting "Idea Work"
In Snøhetta, we consistently seek clear concepts as the starting point for all projects, be it an opera, a retail space, a brand identity – or a book. The concept provides clarity to the task and constructs a robust narrative rooted in the project's core insight.
The design concept for the book "Idea Work" takes inspiration from Post-It notes, a scientist's serendipitous discovery primarily used for marking, brainstorming, and organizing structures. The Post-It symbolizes open collaboration, playfulness, and a willingness to reshape ideas, both individually and in groups.
Our goal was for the book to embody the same characteristics as Post-Its. Professionally, this book stands as a unique contribution, revealing the collective and grounded nature of creativity in everyday activities. Like Post-Its, "Idea Work" is crafted as a practical tool for learning, collaboration, and innovation. The vivid colors, originally conceived for organizing through color coding, filing, and indexing, were applied to structure the book's content. The system ensures easy navigation, making the book a user-friendly compendium or encyclopedia for readers seeking insights into the world of collective creativity.
Photo: Erik Five Gunnerud
Photo: Erik Five Gunnerud
Photo: Erik Five Gunnerud
Narratives and Insights
Narratives within "Idea Work" unravel the significance of prepping, sketches, pin-ups, drama, wonder, and punk – essential facets of the extraordinary. The book addresses commonalities between diverse professions – from architects to oil explorers, business lawyers to journalists, and banking/trading analysts. It also offers glimpses into our own design processes for iconic structures like the Norwegian National Opera & Ballet and the 9/11 memorial in New York.
The book serves as a repository of knowledge, answering questions about the challenges faced in fields as diverse as finding oil or designing award-winning cultural landmarks. Supported by theory, "Idea Work" stands at the forefront of international research, contributing to our understanding of creativity as a collective, grounded pursuit inherent in daily activities.
Photo: Erik Five Gunnerud
Photo: Erik Five Gunnerud
Photo: Erik Five Gunnerud
Photo: Erik Five Gunnerud
Photo: Erik Five Gunnerud
Key Principles in Snøhetta's Creative Approach
"Idea Work" resonates with our processes in Snøhetta. Our design approach is intricately woven with key principles, such as Generative Resistance, Craving Wonder and Liberating Laughter.
Generative Resistance recognizes that the creative process thrives on dissent. Good ideas emerge when challenged. Embracing generative resistance becomes the driving force propelling us forward. Craving Wonder is all about thriving in an environment that ignites wonder, paving the way for fresh ideas to surface. It's about uncovering the extraordinary within the ordinary, navigating uncharted territories of creativity. And by Liberating Laughter we let playful energy and humor play a crucial role in unlocking minds, situations, and ideas. Spontaneous laughter triggers a transformative shift, fostering relaxation and liberation within our creative atmosphere.
"Idea Work" is a testament to the extraordinary potential inherent in collaborative creativity. Available in both English and Norwegian, it invites readers to explore the world of ideas, innovation, and the everyday extraordinary.
Photo: Erik Five Gunnerud
Photo: Erik Five Gunnerud